Our Partners
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act partners work together to provide services in one location (the American Job Center)
department of education
Division of Rehabilitation services (DRS)
The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), an agency within the Office of Secretary of Education and the Arts, is the state agency responsible for the operation of the state and federal vocational rehabilitation program, which specializes in providing employment-related services to high school students and adults with disabilities. DRS also provides services to employers throughout the state to help them meet their workforce needs.
The starting points for services are the 30 field offices the agency has throughout the state. Rehabilitation counselors at the field offices help with applications. Once eligibility is determined, counselors and clients work as a team to develop a plan to meet the individual's employment goals. Services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the client.
DRS services may include vocational counseling and guidance evaluation and assessment, job development, job placement assistance, vocational training, college assistance, rehabilitation technology and assistive technology.
DRS also has transition counselors whose primary responsibilities are to work through West Virginia high schools to provide pre-employment transition services and career planning services to high school students with disabilities.
Phone: 1-800-642-8207
Website: wvdrs.org
Facebook: facebook.com/wvdrs
Email: shannon.y.dugan@wv.gov
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)
Adult Education offers preparation for the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) in order to help students earn the West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma. They also offer programs to help students prepare for employment and post-secondary education. Modules on employability skills are offered. Various Fast Track courses are offered in order to help students accomplish goals in short-term periods of time. The classes offer assistance in filling out the FAFSA for college, gaining computer skills and career exploration. Some classes offer English Language Acquisition for English Language Learners and beginning literacy classes. Classes will also help learners increase their skill levels to enter post-secondary education. Certifications are now available in Customer Service and IC3. Distance learning opportunities are available from qualified staff members. Certain teachers are also trained in higher levels of technology, including 3D printing.
Phone: 1-304-558-2699 Website: https://wvde.us/wv-department-of-education-announces-adult-education-funding-opportunities/ Email: Carla.Warren@k12.wv.us
Founded in 1961, WVU Parkersburg is an independently-accredited community and technical college that maintains an affiliation with West Virginia University. Students may complete their initial one or two years at WVU Parkersburg before moving on to complete select four-year programs at WVU. The institution is also the only public community and technical college in West Virginia accredited to offer baccalaureate degrees. The college’s primary service area consists of seven counties in West Virginia: Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt and Wood.
West Virginia University at Parkersburg provides accessible, life-changing educational opportunities in a safe and supportive environment. WVU Parkersburg is the region’s premier college recognized for quality education, commitment to student empowerment, workforce collaboration and community involvement.
Phone Main Campus: 1-304-424-8000 Phone Jackson County Center: 1-304-372-6992 Website: https://www.wvup.edu/
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) is a principal source of federal funding to states and discretionary grantees for the improvement of secondary and postsecondary career and technical education programs across the nation. The purpose of the Act is to develop more fully the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs.
Phone: 1-800-TWO-YEAR Website: https://www.wvctcs.org/perkins
West virginia Adult Education
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) recognizes that today’s workplace presents numerous opportunities and challenges for adults in West Virginia. Employers need workers with strong basic skills and an ability to adapt to change. Today’s families are faced with multiple responsibilities as they address their children’s educational needs as well as their own. Special populations, such as the homeless and incarcerated, must deal with additional challenges in order to lead safe and productive lives.
To effectively serve the foundational learning needs of these diverse groups, a learning system that is flexible and responsive is necessary.
The WV Adult education programs build skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners.
Individuals eligible to receive services must be at least 16 years of age and not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law. Additionally, an eligible individual must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) be basic skills deficient, 2) not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, or 3) be an English language learner.
Educational services are available at no cost to adult learners and are designed to meet the educational needs of each individual. Certified adult education instructors provide instruction.
Phone: 1-800-642-2670 Website: https://wvde.us/adult-education/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wveducation
Workforce innovation and opportunty act (WIOA)
WIOA programs—WDB
Adult, Dislocated Worker
Youth Job Corps
Native American programs
Migrant Seasonal Farmworker programs
Phone: 1-304-420-4531 Website: https://wdbmov.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WDBMOV
Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service programs—Workforce West Virginia (WFWV)
TAA—Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) helps people who became unemployed due to layoffs as a result of foreign imports or a shift of production out of the United States. https://workforcewv.org/job-seekers-test2/training-test/trade-assistance-test
Jobs for Veterans—Veterans and eligible persons meeting eligibility requirements may be referred to specific veterans’ program staff for specialized services. Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists (DVOPS) are responsible for providing intensive services to qualified veterans at the WorkForce center or itinerant site with a goal of long term sustainable employment of the veteran. Local Veteran Employment Representatives (LVER) conduct outreach to employer and employer groups such as business, industry, and other community-based organizations by serving as an advocate for the hiring of veterans. https://workforcewv.org/job-seekers/veterans
UI—Unemployment insurance benefits provide temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own that meet West Virginia's eligibility requirements. In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must have West Virginia wages during the past 12 to 18 months and have earned at least a minimum amount of wages as determined by West Virginia's guidelines. You must also be able to work and available for work each week that you are collecting benefits. Eligibility for unemployment compensation will be determined during the process of filing a claim. Individuals who are unsure if they qualify should still apply. https://workforcewv.org/unemployment
DVOP—Veterans and eligible persons meeting eligibility requirements may be referred to specific veterans’ program staff for specialized services. Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists (DVOPS) are responsible for providing intensive services to qualified veterans at the WorkForce center or itinerant site with a goal of long term sustainable employment of the veteran. Local Veteran Employment Representatives (LVER) conduct outreach to employer and employer groups such as business, industry, and other community-based organizations by serving as an advocate for the hiring of veterans. https://workforcewv.org/job-seekers-test2/veterans-test
Phone: 1-800-252-JOBS Website: https://workforcewv.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workforcewv
job corps
Free career training to help young people ages 16 through 24 to improve the qualify and satisfaction of their lives through vocational and academic training.
Earn your diploma or GED
Find your career and train in one of 10 different industries
Gain all the skills and resources you need to be successful
Become part of a community that supports you every step of the way
Website: https://www.jobcorps.gov/center/charleston-job-corps-center
department of health and human services
Community Services Block Grant programs—Community Resources inc.
Community Resources believes every family experiencing poverty needs the resources to develop economic opportunities and jobs, financial independence, health and nutrition, bright futures for their children, and adequate housing opportunities.
For 30 years, CRI has worked in dozens of communities to establish resources for families to become self-sustainable. CRI’s programs and services have impacted communities such as Jackson, Roane, Ritchie, Calhoun, Wood, Wirt, Pleasants, Gilmer, Doddridge, Tyler, and Wetzel counties.
Phone: 304-485-5525
Website: cricap.org
Facebook: facebook.com/wvcri
West Virginia's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is called "WV WORKS." WV WORKS provides monthly cash assistance to families who qualify. Most people who receive a monthly WV WORKS check also get food stamps and Medicaid, but these are not guaranteed. Whether you can get WV WORKS depends on your family's income and certain deductions that are applied to it. More information about whether you qualify is available from the local WV Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) office in your county.
Phone: 1-866-255-4370 Website: Department of Health & Human Resources - Family Assistance
department of housing and urban development
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws. HUD's business is helping create a decent home and suitable living environment for all Americans, and it has given America's communities a strong national voice at the Cabinet level. HUD plays a major role in supporting homeownership by underwriting homeownership for lower- and moderate-income families through its mortgage insurance programs.
Phone: 1-304-428-6400 Website: https://hud.gov
wv bureau of senior services
National Council on Aging (NCOA)
Training Program for qualified limited income individuals 55 years of age and older who are seeking placement in the workforce.
Phone: 1-304-420-4531 Website: https://ncoa.org