On behalf of the Workforce Development Board of Mid-Ohio Valley
On behalf of the Workforce Development Board of Mid-Ohio Valley (WDB-MOV), Thomas P. Miller and Associates, LLC (TPMA) is managing the procurement of a One-Stop Operator and One-Stop Case Management Provider. The RFP is attached below.
As the contracted entity to lead this procurement process, TPMA serves as a “separate and independent outside entity to conduct the competition” for this contract. TPMA will review all submitted proposals and evaluate them on a scale coordinated and agreed upon by the WDB-MOV with guidance from WorkForce West Virginia. Based on its evaluation, TPMA will submit its selection, along with a description of the selection process and scoring justification, to the WDB-MOV leadership for approval.
For questions related to this procurement, please contact Kristopher Subler, Senior Project Consultant, at ksubler@tpma-inc.com.
Action Date RFP Issued 2/08/2021
Deadline for RFP Inquiries for Clarification 2/22/2021
Posting of Answers to Inquiries 2/26/2021
Proposal Deadline (email only) 3/08/2021
Interviews (if applicable)Week of 03/15/2021
TPMA Recommendation to WDB-MOVBy 04/02/2021
Notice of Intent to Award to Proposers05/28/2021Contractual Start Date 07/01/2021
To view the RFP, CLICK HERE.
To download the RFP for One-Stop Operator and One-Stop Case management Provider, CLICK HERE.